How To Cut Costs Of Swimming Pool Construction?

Having a swimming pool in your backyard can be expensive. As a result, people who dream of building a swimming pool usually look the other way. However, if you are wise and smart with your decisions, you can cut costs to the point where you can afford a pool. And we are talking about getting it built by in ground pool builders. No DIY stuff. Here is a list of some important tips that will help you turn your dream into reality without breaking the bank.

Get Multiple Bids

The first thing you need to do when it comes to cutting costs of swimming pool construction is to get multiple bids. While looking for the best swimming pool building companies out there, you will come across many that will quote their prices based on several factors. Talking to only one company will not help you that much.

You need to have at least three bids in your cap. That way, you will be able to compare and decide which package is going to suit you the best. Plus, ask for referrals from your social circle. If you have someone close to a pool in their house, you should ask them to share the contact information of the constructors.

Make sure to reach out to the referrals as building a swimming pool is not an easy task. You might have to temporarily shift accommodation, which means that you need someone trustworthy. On top of that, referrals will not only help you spend money the right way but also cut it wherever possible.

Think About The Big Picture

Sometimes, larger upfront costs can lead to huge savings down the line. Most homeowners are of the view that building a swimming pool from start to finish is going to leave their bank accounts empty. As a result, they opt for cheap quality materials not realizing the fact that they will be shelling out money for maintenance and repairs after a few years.

This means that there most probably will come a point after a decade or so where they would have spent more money on maintenance than the actual cost of the entire pool. Therefore, choosing the best quality materials and spending money upfront will save you from such troubles in the future.

There was a time when concrete pools were almost always out of reach of common households. Today, due to competition, they have become affordable to the point where they cost even less than fiberglass swimming pools. All this means is that you need to look at the bigger picture when building a pool.

You might be able to save money in the start but will end up spending a lot more as the years go by.

Go With A Simple Design

The cost of a swimming pool depends on design and several other important factors. Not every design can be implemented based on the available size and dimensions of the house. Every homeowner wants to have a unique swimming pool in their house but that costs money.

So, the best way to save money in that department is by opting for a simple design. The more curves, edges, and shelves, the more the price. Therefore, opt for a swimming pool that looks simple yet elegant. This will not only help keep the price down but also make maintenance easy.

Focus On Practicality

Focusing on practicality is yet another important point that will help you keep the costs down. The thing is that most homeowners want their pools to look aesthetically unique. Since they want the ‘wow’ factor, they focus on adding features and luxuries that offer no value.

As a result, they find themselves in a tough spot when the total costs add up. The best way to prevent such situations especially if you are working with a limited budget is to focus on practicality. Having a pool that makes it easier and convenient for people to spend good quality time is a lot better than having a pool that offers luxuries that are of no use.

Plus, focusing on practicality will also help increase the resale value of your property at a minimum cost. Adding a deck or patio with a pool increases the value of a pool, so if you want, you should hire patio builders Long Island who can work with the contractor who’s building the pool. Many companies also offer both services.

Do The Maintenance

Once the swimming pool has been built, you should learn to perform pool maintenance on your own. Although, there is no match for professional maintenance that will cost you money. That is fine as long as you have a bigger pool. However, if you have a relatively smaller pool, you can easily learn the tips and tricks to keep it looking brand new.

All you need to do is invest in some cleaning tools and supplies and make a maintenance schedule. If possible and depending on the usage frequency, you will need to clean the pool at least once or twice a month. In addition to that, you will also need to consider the external factors.

Lay down a cover on the pool or simply drain it before a thunderstorm kicks in. This will help prevent water from entering the house or damaging other valuables in the surroundings.

Use Supplemental Sanitation

To keep the pool water clean, homeowners mostly use chlorine and other expensive chemicals. This can significantly increase the costs considering you have to add them regularly to the pool. Instead, you should opt for supplemental sanitation such as the Advanced Oxidation system that will help eliminate unwanted pollutants and contaminants in the pool.

Not only that, you will also be able to reduce your chlorine consumption, offering you a much better swimming experience. Keep in mind that chlorine manufacturing causes a significant amount of pollution and negatively impacts the environment.

Switch To A Variable-Speed Pump

Variable-speed pumps can cost you a lot of money when compared to traditional single-speed and dual-speed pumps. Variable-speed pumps allow you to adjust the speed depending on the pool’s needs. This means that you can run the pump for much longer, have better circulation, and keep the energy bills low.

Today, variable-speed pumps have become popular to the point where some states have regulations requiring people to use only variable-speed pumps.

Keep Your Footprint Small

Another common mistake homeowners tend to make is using the entire space available for building a pool. This should not be a problem unless you are working with a limited budget. It is common for homeowners to feel tempted to utilize all the space for a pool without realizing the fact that it will only increase the cost.

Therefore, one needs to be smart here. To cut costs, you should opt for a small and practical pool over a large, lavish one. A smaller pool with a simple design means lower labor costs and fewer materials. Additionally, it will also help you save money on maintenance.

However, keep in mind that going too small won’t help you reduce the costs. Plus, choose the right location for the pool as well. If the location you have decided needs foundational work to be done, it will add to the overall costs.

That said, choosing a location that requires minimum work and labor will help reduce costs.


Always plan ahead and focus on practicality. Take your time in choosing the location and have a pool contractor Long Island on your side throughout the process. It will surely cost you but help spend money the right way.