6 Tips for Planning A Garden Wedding

Sometimes, you want a wedding that looks straight out of a fairy tale and you want to add that whimsical and woodsy touch. What better way to do that than to have a garden-themed or a full-on garden wedding? Here are some tips which will give you the perfect outdoor wedding given that you have good wedding party rentals on board.

Power Access

Outdoor weddings are great and all, but you still need to add a touch of modernization for the sake of being able to get through the wedding. There are many things that need consideration like where will you get the electricity from? You need to have power access throughout the wedding and it should be uninterrupted. The last thing you need is a wedding with no power. These things can easily slip through the cracks and you need to make sure it doesn’t happen on your big day.

The Perfect Weather

One of the biggest disadvantages of having an outdoor wedding is not being able to predict the weather. This can be a huge hassle and if you are not planning things perfectly, then you will be in big trouble. You don’t want a downpour or a scorching sun blazing down on you on your big day. It should be pleasant weather and the wind speed should be normal too. These things need to be taken care of in advance, which is why you need to get a move on and have your homework done before the big day.

Incorporate Nature In The Décor

The best way to complete the perfect look of a garden wedding is to add décor which reminds you of the nature surrounding you. So, instead of ribbons and other ornaments, use twigs and branches or even small shrubs which will look super cute with your décor. The pictures will not be able to do justice to how beautiful this will look. You can also add woodsy elements to your décor to make it look even more rustic and cozy. It’s all about being able to add certain things to your décor and letting it compliment other things.

Have Some Rooms Rented Out

This is an important tip and you need to have this done. Try to have some rooms rented out where the bride and other people can take a breather. There should also be bathrooms all over the venue. The last thing you want is to have a wedding venue that has no access to the lavatory or even a decent room where you can put things or where people can take a few minutes to themselves. This is very important to do because, with indoor venues, these things are covered. With outdoor venues, you need to specifically ask for these things.

Complete The Natural Garden Look

Who says that you can only add garden décor to your tables and the reception? You can also add touches of nature to your dress, in your hair, and even on the wedding cake. You can have bohemian flowers and natural shrubs entwined in your hair as a perfect and elegant hair up-do. You can also have a very natural bouquet of flowers and leaves instead of the typical wedding bouquets. These small things are going to make all of the difference and you will be surprised at how everything will come to a full circle with these small knick-knacks.

Be Rustic Yet Chic

The best thing about garden weddings is that you don’t need everything to be pristine and perfect. The rustic look suits the garden theme more and it looks more put together and on point. You want to go for a more rustic theme with the garden wedding. The rustic and natural beauty of nature and greens will make the entire spread look more chic and put together. The beauty of a garden or outdoor wedding is nature and you don’t want to dim the light of the cozy and warm beauty it brings.


There you have it! Small things and incorporations can really make a difference and you will see your dream whimsical wedding come to life in no time at all. Look for wedding tent rentals Rockland NY with cost-effective packages to save money as well.

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