6 High ROI Home Remodeling Ideas

Homeowners tend to get bored with their homes sometimes. This either calls for them to sell their existing property and buy a new one or remodel it. In both cases, you will need home remodeling additions that are not only practical but increase the return on investment as well. In simple words, if you plan on selling the house at some point in the future, you should be getting more than what you have paid for. Therefore, let’s look at some of the ideas that will help balance both.

Minor Bathroom Remodel

When it comes to selling a house, two types of rooms fetch a higher price: kitchens and bathrooms. As a matter of fact, the greatest return of investment is associated with remodeling the bathrooms. Instead of creating a new bathroom in each room, it is better to remodel the existing ones. However, there is no need for major remodeling, just a minor one. Furthermore, there is no way to remodel the entire bathroom from scratch, instead update the items, closets, and other things to give it a fresh look. For instance, try replacing the showerhead with a rain shower. It is preferred and liked by many homeowners today. Lastly, try making the lighting a bit better as well. However, do not overdo it.


Who does not love greenery and natural touch to their home? This is why landscaping adds a lot to the actual value of your house. If nothing else, curb appeals to most buyers as well. New landscaping is sometimes exactly what a home needs to give it an appealing and fresh look. Since they say the first impression is the last impression, you might want to make sure that everything at the front and the back, especially the backyard looks fresh and new. Then again, you do not need to overboard. Simply make sure that the plants and trees are trimmed and if you have some space, add some more.

Minor Kitchen Remodel

A minor kitchen remodel is another way to achieve an excellent return on investment. You do not need to build the entire existing kitchen, just update the existing appliances, closets, and drawers. Then, apply new paint to give it a fresh look. That along with the new appliances will make everything look new.


The entrance of your house is going to make the biggest impact on the buyers. Therefore, you need to make sure it is as appealing as possible. Anything covered with rust and color faded doors might turn the buyers away. Start from fixing the door. If there are any cracks or damage, cover them, and give a fresh paint job. Then check the interior of the entrance to see if it requires a paint job as well. Since people tend to enter and exit from the same area, you would not want a buyer to develop a permanent impression of the house while leaving. If you manage to make the entrance new and appealing, chances are that the buyer will consider buying your house at the first glance.

Replace Windows

Apart from fixing the entrance and remodeling the bathrooms, the next thing you might want to consider is the windows. New and clean windows can easily make your home look better both from the inside and outside. A potential buyer will most likely not prefer spending time and effort getting the windows replaced after purchasing the property. Therefore, anything that gives the house an outdated look must be replaced or fixed.

Family Room Addition

Adding a family room in your house not only adds square footage and usable living space but opens your home to a number of buyers. The largest concentration of buyers in the market today are millennials. These millennials are young families or thinking about starting families. Therefore, they prefer and opt for properties that feature casual open places to rewind, relax, and play. Therefore, plan a room addition and keep it simple.

Final Word

In the end, you can do a lot to your house to increase the return of investment but the key lies in balancing simplicity and what buyers value the most. Consider the remodeling tips mentioned above and benefit from the expertise of home remodeling architects DC, and remember that positive impressions yield the highest returns.