How Long Does Stone Veneer Siding Last

There is no doubt that stone veneers look gorgeous and you would want to bring them to your house. However, the most common question asked by homeowners is how long do stone veneers last? While some manufacturers guarantee their stone veneers will last 30-40 years, others claim 50 or more years. However, on average stone veneers last, 20-30 years if installed properly by masonry contractors. So, let’s dig deeper into the discussion and see why you should be getting stone veneers.

How Long Does Stone Veneer Last?

When it comes to determining how long stone veneers last, there are several factors to consider. The first and most important factor is the installation. You might have thought that installing stone veneers would be a do-it-yourself type of gig, but you were wrong.

The lifespan of the stone veneers mostly depends on how they are installed. This is why hiring a professional with sufficient skills and experience is preferred to get the job done the right way. Stone veneers won’t last if you do it on your own due to moisture accumulation, water leaks, wood rot, mold, etc.

Furthermore, the weather conditions of your region have a huge role to play in deciding the lifespan of the stone veneers. If you live in a region that experiences rainfall, snow, and humidity, you will have a higher chance of water leaks taking place. However, then again, this should not be a problem if the right person installs the veneers correctly.

Types Of Stone Veneers

Everyone has different preferences and tastes when it comes to choosing stone veneers. You can choose from many different colors and textures depending on the style you want. However, you should be cautious of how long they will last. Make sure the brand you use provides a warranty for stone veneers.

This way, you will be able to cover your investment for several years without having to worry about paying from your own pocket if the veneers were to get damaged or cracked.

What Is The ROI Of Stone Veneer?

Installing stone veneer siding is not an easy job. It requires a huge amount of effort and time, which makes labor expensive. This means that if you plan on selling your house in the future, you would want a healthy return on your investment.

Experts estimate that installing stone veneers in your home will get back almost 97% of what you had paid in total for the veneer installation. However, if you do not plan on selling the house, installing stone veneers is going to be the perfect choice for upgrading your home.

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Installing Stone Veneer?

Stone veneer siding is most commonly known for being durable and long-lasting. Manufacturers will offer somewhere around 20 to 75 years. If installed properly, stone veneers will prove to be maintenance-free and fire-resistant. At the same time, stone veneers are a lot more affordable when compared to other stones such as natural stones.

On the other hand, stone veneers carry some disadvantages as well. As mentioned previously, stone veneers not installed properly can lead to moisture problems. This is why you will need a professional working with stone veneers who implements the right techniques and follows proper procedures to make the stone veneers last for decades.

Can Stone Veneer Be Used On Interiors?

Back in the day, stone veneers could only be used on exteriors but today, you can use them on interiors as well such as on fireplace savings, backsplash, interior walls, etc. Furthermore, these stone veneer types are rated smoke and fire-resistant, which makes them even safer to install indoors. However, if you intend to use stone veneer for the fireplace, make sure that you keep enough distance and install safety brackets to ensure your kids do not play around with it.

Final Word

Concluding, stone veneers will last anything from 20-80 years depending on the type and installation. Stone veneers installed by an inexperienced contractor will hardly last a decade. Therefore, to make the best use of stone veneers, opt for expert stone veneer contractors port jefferson who can add to the charm, wherever you intend to install them.