How To Treat Blisters On Feet?

If you’ve just gotten a new pair of shoes, then your feet are in for a painful ride. Blisters are a painful commonality and they can really affect your movement. Here are some things you can do to treat blisters. However, it’s better to avoid doing anything without the consultation from a podiatrist. If they appeared after a fracture or a bone-related injury, check with your orthopedic surgeon as well.

Don’t Pop It

This might be tempting for a lot of people, but you shouldn’t give in to the urge of popping a blister. A blister tends to go away after a couple of days, but if you pop it, then there might be discharge or blood coming out from the protruded area.

It’s better to leave it be for some time and limit your movement until it goes away completely, otherwise, you’ll put yourself at risk of developing hideous infections, especially if you don’t take care of it after popping.

Wash The Area

If a blister has popped itself and a discharge or fluid is coming out of the area, then you don’t want to resort to using hydrogen peroxide or isopropyl alcohol for cleaning the wound, because it’s going to sting like crazy.

You want to use lukewarm water and a gentle soap and rub the wound with it. This is going to clean the wound effectively without inflicting a lot of pain and then you can cover the area up with gauze or a breathable bandage so that no infections can develop.

Cover It Loosely

Another important thing you want to do when treating blisters is to cover it up loosely. The main gist is to avoid putting a lot of pressure on the nodule because that can elevate the pain and you won’t be able to walk or move your foot either.

You should use a bandage that’s made out of cloth and is breathable and you want to wrap it loosely around your blister. This is just for protection purposes and to avoid your foot getting in contact with dirt, debris, or any other contaminant, because that can lead to infections as well, especially if the blister gets popped and is exposed.

Antibiotic Creams Are Godsend

If you want to disinfect the blister and treat it from the inside, then antibiotics are a lifesaver. You can use oral or cream-based antibiotics and they’re going to help in killing any germs and bacteria in the blister or wound and you won’t contract any other diseases or skin issues.

Antibiotic creams can be used a couple of times a day and some creams also have numbing agents in them, so you won’t feel a lot of pain after application and you can even walk freely for a bit, without putting too much pressure on the blister.

If there are many blisters and they are painful, get advice from a pain management doctor Woodbridge for pain relief.

Drain The Blister

A lot of the time, blisters can get extremely swollen and the only way to reduce the swelling and alleviate the pain, is to get it drained. You can do it by yourself at home as well and it’s not that hard.

First, you need to clean the area around the blister and the nodule itself with an alcohol pad. Next, you’ll need a small syringe and to be extra safe, you can also clean the needle. Inject the syringe into the highest area of the blister and drain out any liquid, blood, or discharge that might be inside.

You will instantly see that the blister will reduce in size and the swelling will disappear. You can release the syringe, pull it out and cover the skin with a gauze or bandage.

Don’t Put Pressure

Another thing that you don’t want to do is put pressure on the blister. This can actually cause compression inside and the blister might pop internally. This can lead to the discharge or fluid getting released in the body and that can be infectious and dangerous for you. Leave the blister be and let it drain or pop naturally.

Invest In Insoles

Blisters can happen if your shoes are not padded from the inside. This can be the case with older shoes, in which the insoles have worn out, or new ones that can poke you. It’s always a good idea to have a couple of padded insoles with you at all times, especially if you’re walking long distances regularly.

Insoles protect the pads of your feet and they also provide a barrier between the hard base of the shoe and the soles of your feet, so that you don’t get blisters and rashes every so often.

Wear Comfortable Shoes

This is more of a preventative tip than anything, but you want to shop for comfortable shoes. Blisters are the norm when getting new shoes, but sometimes, shoes are made from materials that are extremely hard and can damage your feet. You always want to choose shoes that are soft from the inside out and padded because the last thing you want is to spend money on an expensive pair of shoes and get your feet ruined.

Shoe shopping might seem like a piece of cake, but finding the perfect pair for your feet is nothing less than a challenge.

Use Petroleum Jelly

This is also a great hack for preventing blisters. For treating blisters, you can apply a dollop of petroleum jelly on the blister and the area surrounding it. This is going to reduce friction and you can easily wear shoes and walk for some time.

As far as prevention is concerned, if you’re worried about your new shoes causing blisters on your feet, then you can rub petroleum jelly on your heels, the back of your foot, and on your toes before wearing the uncomfortable shoes. You can also slather some petroleum jelly on the inside of the shoes so that it doesn’t bite your skin.

Avoid Allergens

New shoes and walking a lot aren’t the only two reasons that can cause blisters. There are certain shoe materials, and different products like lotions and creams that could trigger the formation of blisters. You need to figure out what types of things and chemicals are causing blisters on your feet and you need to stop using them altogether.

Sometimes, these things can also aggravate blisters, so you need to keep a close eye on the products that you’re using. If you’re allergic to fragranced lotions and creams, then you need to stop using them completely.

Use Topical Creams

You can use topical creams on your feet, because blisters can cause your skin to become dry. If you don’t rehydrate your skin, then it can tear up even more and it can cause wounds and infections. So, it’s best to consult a doctor in this case and have them prescribe you a neutral topical cream that can keep the moisture locked in your skin.

Using medicated creams and lotions, 3 to 4 times a day, will make a world of a difference in your feet and the blisters will disappear in no time too.


These treatments are not only going to help get rid of blisters for good, but you can prevent them further in the future as well. If you want to be careful, only perform the treatments that are suggested by a podiatrist Woodbridge.

Food allergies and their impact on Asthma

Asthma and food allergies are two distinct conditions that often intertwine in a delicate dance of cause and effect. Both are rooted in an immune system that overreacts to external factors. Their connection can create unique challenges for those affected. In most cases, you will need the help of an allergy doctor.

In this article, we delve into the intricate relationship between these two conditions, discussing the common food allergens that trigger asthma, their influence on asthma severity, and strategies to manage this intertwined health dynamic.

Food Allergies and Asthma

It’s no secret that food allergies can trigger asthma symptoms. In fact, studies have established a strong correlation between the two. While not every person with asthma is food allergic, an individual with food allergies is at a higher risk of developing asthma. Hence, it’s pivotal to understand which food allergens can potentially spark an asthma attack.

  • Dairy Products: Milk and other dairy products are high on the list of common food allergens. Consuming these can induce an allergic reaction leading to wheezing, coughing, and shortness of breath in individuals with a predisposition.
  • Eggs: Eggs, particularly the protein in egg whites, can trigger an allergic reaction. This, in turn, may escalate to asthma symptoms in sensitive individuals.
  • Peanuts and Tree Nuts: Peanuts and tree nuts such as almonds, cashews, and walnuts rank among the most notorious food allergens. A severe allergic reaction to these foods can potentially trigger an asthma attack.
  • Fish and Shellfish: Fish, especially shellfish like shrimp, lobster, and crabs, are known allergens. Those allergic can experience an asthmatic reaction upon consumption or even inhalation of cooking vapors.
  • Soy: Soy and soy-based products, common in many diets, can provoke allergic responses. Asthmatics with soy allergies need to be vigilant, as this allergen can worsen their symptoms.
  • Wheat: Wheat contains a protein called gluten, which can induce allergic reactions in some individuals. This response can subsequently lead to the onset of asthma symptoms.
  • Food Additives: Apart from natural foods, certain additives like sulfites and monosodium glutamate (MSG) used in processed foods and beverages can trigger asthma.

Recognizing and Managing Food Allergies That Trigger Asthma

Recognizing the signs of an allergic reaction is the first step in managing food allergies that can provoke asthma. Symptoms such as hives, abdominal pain, or a sudden drop in blood pressure after eating a particular food should serve as warning signs.

Once an allergen is identified, the most effective strategy is avoidance. Read food labels diligently, ask about ingredients at restaurants, and consider carrying an epinephrine auto-injector for emergencies.

It’s also advisable to consult with a healthcare provider or an allergist. They can conduct tests to confirm food allergies and provide personalized management plans, including potential medications or therapies.

Food Allergies and Asthma Severity

Primarily, it’s essential to understand that food allergies and asthma are both rooted in an overactive immune response. In both cases, the immune system reacts to ordinarily harmless substances, treating them as foreign invaders. This causes inflammation, which manifests as symptoms ranging from mild to severe. In asthma, this inflammation is centered in the airways, whereas, in food allergies, it can manifest systemically, impacting various body systems.

Food Allergies: An Exacerbating Factor

A significant body of research has indicated that individuals with food allergies are more likely to have severe asthma symptoms. When a person with a food allergy ingests a problematic food, the body launches an immune response, leading to systemic inflammation. This reaction can amplify existing inflammation in the airways, making asthma symptoms more severe.

Common Food Allergens

Several common food allergens, such as peanuts, milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, wheat, and soy, have been implicated in exacerbating asthma symptoms. These foods, when consumed by someone with an allergy, can provoke a response that intensifies the severity of an asthma attack.

Understanding the Anaphylaxis-Asthma Severity Connection

A food allergy reaction can range from mild symptoms to a severe, life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. An anaphylactic reaction can cause airway constriction, leading to difficulty breathing and potentially severe asthma symptoms. For this reason, people with both food allergies and asthma must be particularly vigilant.

Navigating Asthma Severity with Food Allergies

Effectively managing food allergies is a crucial step in controlling asthma severity. One approach is strict avoidance of known allergenic foods. It’s also essential to communicate one’s allergies when dining out and to carefully read food labels.

Having an action plan for handling allergic reactions, including getting help from an allergist Manassas. Regular consultations with healthcare providers or allergists are beneficial as they can tailor treatment plans to individual needs and provide guidance on avoiding allergens.

Preventive Measures and Lifestyle Adjustments

Indeed, living with food allergies and asthma can be challenging. Yet, proactive preventive measures and lifestyle adjustments can make a world of difference in managing these conditions. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Avoid Known Allergens: The first and most effective step in managing food allergies and asthma is the complete avoidance of known food allergens. This means meticulously checking food labels and being vigilant when dining out.
  • Create an Allergy Action Plan: Having a well-documented allergy action plan is vital. This plan should outline what to do in case of accidental allergen ingestion, including the use of an epinephrine auto-injector. Share this plan with family members, colleagues, and friends, so they know how to assist in an emergency.
  • Regular Check-ups: Scheduled appointments with healthcare providers or allergy specialists are crucial to ensure that your management strategies are working effectively. These visits are also opportunities to discuss any concerns or adjustments in medications or therapies.
  • Healthy Living: Embracing a healthy lifestyle can improve overall well-being and potentially decrease the severity of asthma symptoms. This includes regular exercise (within individual tolerance and doctor’s guidelines), a balanced diet, adequate sleep, and stress management techniques.
  • Air Quality: For asthmatics, the quality of air is paramount. Keep the home environment free from allergens such as dust mites, mold, and pet dander. Consider investing in an air purifier for cleaner indoor air.
  • Allergen-Free Cooking: Explore the world of allergen-free cooking. With numerous allergy-friendly recipes and substitutes available, it’s easier than ever to enjoy a diverse diet while avoiding allergens.
  • Education: Stay updated about food allergies and asthma. Attend workshops, join support groups, and follow trusted websites to learn about new research, therapies, and coping strategies.


The confluence of food allergies and asthma is a compelling field of exploration in health science. The interaction between these conditions not only amplifies the complexity of managing each of them independently but it also underscores the critical role that awareness, vigilance, and informed lifestyle adjustments play in promoting better health outcomes. 

As we continue to learn more about this connection, our knowledge empowers us to adopt strategies that mitigate risks and improve the quality of life for those navigating the intricacies of both food allergies and asthma. It’s clear that by understanding the impact of food allergies on asthma , we can be better equipped to face these challenges and cultivate a healthier tomorrow. It is better to reach out to an allergist Germantown in case you experience any symptoms.


What Are The Different Ways To Take CBD

The studies conducted yet on the health impact of CBD. Therefore, many people use CBD products like CBD gummies for anxiety, pain, and sleep. With the legalization of CBD on a federal level in the US, the market is full of CBD products. If you’re considering CBD for a health problem, these are the different ways you can take CBD.

Oral Consumption Or Edibles

Many CBD products can be consumed orally like any other food item. These are the easiest and the most convenient way of taking CBD because many forms won’t look different from normal food. Take CBD gummies. They appear as normal gummies so you can take them whenever you like without any worries.

Moreover, many CBD edibles have sugar and artificial flavors and are preferred by people who want to avoid the taste of the cannabinoid. That being said, artificial flavors and sugar can be problematic for people who have conditions like diabetes.

Additionally, edibles go to the stomach and take more than 2 hours to kick in. So, people should avoid taking big amounts of CBD in small intervals. They should wait for at least 2 hours for CBD to kick in.

Plus, when CBD is ingested, it doesn’t go straight to the bloodstream. The CBD will be broken down by the digestive tract and your body will absorb 20-30% of CBD only from the edible.

A benefit of CBD edibles like CBD oil is that they can be used in any food. So, after cooking food with a small amount of CBD oil, you can enjoy your meal and the effects of CBD.

Oral CBD options are available in these forms:

  • Gummies
  • Capsules
  • Oils


Sublingual refers to taking something by placing it under your tongue. Taking a sublingual CBD product under the tongue is a quicker way for CBD to be dissolved into your bloodstream. Therefore, you will feel the effect within 15 minutes compared to the 2 hours wait time for edibles.

Due to the quick effect, sublingual products like tinctures, sprays, lozenges, and oil are preferred by people. Also, those who want to avoid sugar and preservatives in edibles like sublingual CBD products as well.

Sublingual products go directly into the bloodstream so your body absorbs more percentage of CBD and the effects are quicker as well.

CBD Topicals

You can use topical products of CBD to apply directly to your skin. They are used mostly for treating localized conditions like skin reactions, rashes, and joint pain caused by arthritis or any other condition. Common CBD topicals are oils, balms, creams, ointments, and lotions.

Like sublingual items, topicals don’t go through the digestive system so the concentration of CBD isn’t affected if you apply a topical CBD product on your skin.

Keep in mind that the permeability of skin and the sublingual tissue is hugely different. It’s poor for the skin and excellent for sublingual tissues. Due to this reason, you may need to apply the topical product generously on your skin to get the desired effect.

CBD Inhalation

With these products, you can inhale CBD and let it be absorbed by the mucous membranes in your lungs. You can vaporize CBD oil, smoke dried hemp flower, or use another method for inhaling CBD concentrates.

The effects of CBD can be felt quickly because CBD goes from the lungs to the bloodstream. However, keep in mind that this method is the most dangerous method of taking CBD because it can expose you to carcinogens and other chemicals that are harmful to your health and especially to the lungs.

Get Advice From A Doctor

Before using any form of CBD, discuss with your doctor whether it’s good for your health and if it would interact with any other medication you’re taking. Keep in mind that the safest way to use CBD is by applying it topically on your skin for pain and skin conditions and the most dangerous method is inhaling CBD.


CBD is available in many forms like gummies, oils, sprays, ointments, and more. You can choose the right way of taking it according to your needs and preferences. Make sure to get CBD products from a reputable CBD shop and consider factors like dosages and safety certificates.

What Happens If Allergy Is Not Treated`

It’s that time of the year again when allergies are at an all-time high. You might have wondered what would’ve happened if you let your allergies go untreated for longer periods of time. This habit is not advised and you should visit an allergy doctor for allergies. Here is what could potentially happen if you don’t treat your allergies.

Loss Of Concentration

One of the main problems untreated allergies can have on you is the loss of focus and concentration. You will feel like your attention span is shortening over time and you can’t seem to focus on anything at all. This can be quite frustrating.

This can happen because allergies will always keep you occupied and you will need to combat these things first before you can get your attention span back to normal. This is why it’s very important to treat your allergies with medicine whenever you feel like they are getting aggravated.

Sleeping Problems

Another problem that might be the cause of untreated allergies is difficulty in sleep at night. There can be a lot of issues with sleep and allergies might be the root cause of them all. First of all, you will not be comfortable at all, when sleeping with an untreated allergy, because you will always feel like your breath is shortening and you will also feel your chest getting tighter. It is a very unpleasant situation to deal with.

You need to make sure that your allergies are treated before you go to bed as this will give you a good night’s rest.

Mood Shifts

Another major problem with allergies is that your mood will feel very down. You will constantly be agitated, angry, and helpless when it comes to allergies. Untreated allergies are the main cause of it all. Your mood will not be as volatile but you will be feeling down most of the time, as nothing is right with your body and you will feel lethargic and very easily agitated.

This can be quite a hard thing to deal with and this is why you should never let your allergies get worse to this extent.

Poor Immunity

Your immune system is the most compromised thing when you are suffering from allergies. Your whole body is under defense mode and the slightest foreign invasion in your body can turn the situation from bad to worse in no time at all. Your body’s immunity is important because this is what protects your body from all kinds of viruses and bacteria and you want to make sure that your body is able to fight off these things

If you leave your allergies untreated for long periods of time, then you are prone to autoimmune diseases and that is a huge problem in itself.

Feeling Tired All The Time

Chronic fatigue is also another common thing that can occur when your allergies are left untreated for too long. Chronic fatigue is nothing but the feeling of being tired all of the time, even though you aren’t doing anything tiresome in the first place.

Chronic fatigue can also make you feel super weak and lethargic and all you want to do is lounge on the bed and do nothing. It doesn’t go away until you take care of your allergies. You will see a major difference in how your body feels after treating the allergies and getting rid of the fatigue.


Last but not least, anaphylaxis is a life-threatening disorder that is the result of leaving your allergies untreated for a long time, until it reaches a point of no return. Anaphylaxis can lead to stopping breathing, organ failure, and a lot of other things which are serious medical emergencies and they need to be treated as soon as possible if you want your life to be saved.

Anaphylaxis is usually caused by food allergies or allergies which can trigger the breathing and beating of your heart and it can be quite dangerous.


There you have it! It’s not a good idea to leave allergies untreated. It can lead to a lot of problems which can become a serious medical emergency and you will need help from a medical specialist or allergist Manassas right away. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Finding a good orthopedic clinic

It would have taken you some time to determine whether or not to consult with orthopedic physicians. However, eventually deciding to visit one maybe both stress relief and a source of worry. Your primary care physician may have already suggested that you consult with a knee specialist, indicating that your hunt for a quality surgeon has begun. However, locating one can be difficult.

Choosing the best orthopedic surgeon

When looking for a reputable orthopedic surgeon, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Here are all of the critical factors to consider.

Request recommendations from individuals you know.

A smart place to start when looking for something suitable for your needs is to ask individuals you know for recommendations. This applies to nearly everything, even orthopedic surgeons. Inquire with your friends, relatives, and coworkers if they have any recommendations for knee pain surgeons.

Request a list of surgeons from your primary care physician as well. They will almost certainly know a lot of individuals. Consider all of the surgeons who have been suggested to you and conduct your own research.

When conducting your investigation, seek the orthopedic surgeon’s credentials and past experience. Make sure to look into their certification. Make a list of all the physicians you want to see and set up appointments to meet with them in person.

When you meet them, have a brief interview to determine which doctor you feel most at ease with. Inquire with everyone you know who has had any experience with your preferred doctor. Look for patient reviews as well, if feasible. This will tell you how much patients trusted their individual doctors.

Make certain you are aware of your insurance coverage.

Insurance is a very vital element of practically anything. Make sure you understand what your insurance policy covers. This will allow you to spend the least amount of money out of your own pocket. However, you must also ensure that your selected orthopedic surgeon agrees with your ideas. This will allow you to get the most out of your insurance policy.

This is not to say that the doctor’s expertise, credentials, and so on are unimportant. You should absolutely prioritize such things since your recovery is everything. Still, if you discover a terrific doctor who possesses all of these characteristics, you are likely to have a pleasant experience and a stress-free joint pain recovery.

Examine the hospital’s quality.

You will be visiting your doctor at the hospital. This implies you will be spending some time there, therefore you should think about the hospital’s quality. This covered their surroundings, the kind of treatment they provided, and how the physicians and nurses treated their patients. In order to adequately convey your difficulties, make sure you are completely comfortable with your pick of a doctor and his clinic. The doctors should also be friendly enough to openly discuss all health information with you.

If you are not at ease, it is unlikely that you will communicate or recuperate adequately. Consider the hospital’s location as well, based on your priorities. You will be admitted to the hospital several times before and after your orthopedic operation. As a result, you must ensure that you can go to the hospital without too much difficulty.


Finding a reputable orthopedic elbow specialist Woodbridge may be hard and anxiety-inducing. However, this is hardly the most challenging assignment ever. The only thing you need to remember while looking for a doctor is to keep the factors listed above in mind. This will assist you in locating an orthopedic physician who is more suited to your needs and degree of comfort. The most important aspect of selecting a competent doctor is your healing, therefore prioritize that over all other considerations.

What Are The Types Of Hip Fractures

Hip fractures and pains are very hard to deal with. They can occur in people who are getting old and their bones are giving up on them or in younger people such as athletes who have injured themselves harshly. Here are the different types of hip fractures that orthopedic hip surgeons want you to need to know about.

Hip fractures are mostly divided into two main types. Intracapsular and extracapsular.

Intracapsular hip fractures are the fractures which involve the injuries to the femoral head and neck bones. They usually occur inside the capsule of the hip bone, hence they are called intracapsular.

Extracapsular hip fractures are the fractures which involve the fractures on the intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric areas of the hip. These fractures are anatomically classified to render easy diagnosis and treatment. Some fractures are healed by time and some need to be surgically fused again. It depends on the severity of the fractures.

Femoral Neck Fracture

The femoral bone is a bone which is just inches below the hip joint. It is a very important bone and it is responsible for allowing movement and different orientation of the hips. The femoral neck is a very thin part of the femoral bone and it is quite prone to breakage if the impact to the neck is too much. The fracture usually occurs 2 to 3 inches below the hip joint and it can be quite painful.

A lot of hip fractures leave the person in a lot of pain, but along with that comes difficulty in standing and sitting for too long. The position can be quite uncomfortable and no posture seems to alleviate the pain in the femoral neck. It also occurs in a lot of old people and people who suffer from osteoporosis.

Usually, older people and people who suffer from osteoporosis have very weak bones and it makes them a perfect target for such fractures. Femoral neck fracture can also limit the movement of the hip and any slight movement can lead to excruciating hip pain. In worst cases, it might also cause numbness and tingles in the hip area, in which case, you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Intertrochanteric Fractures

Intertrochanteric fractures are the type of fractures which are considered to be the least painful of the bunch. Although it does cause pain, it is nothing as compared to other types of hip fractures. Usually, hip fractures can also disrupt blood supply and lead to nerve damage, but Intertrochanteric fractures don’t disrupt the blood supply to the nerves near the fracture. It is a fracture which occurs 4 to 5 inches below the hip joint and it is usually caused by some sort of heavy impact.

Subtrochanteric Fractures

A subtrochanteric fracture is a common hip fracture accompanied with swelling in the hips and sometimes, your leg might get externally rotated. This is much like a physical deformity than a small hairline fracture. The fracture can be seen through either an X-Ray or MRI scan, depending on the severity of the fracture and the patient. The pain is too much and you are unable to sit straight or stand up for too long. This is a type of fracture which is fixed through surgery only, because the intricacy involved in the surgery is able to treat the fracture and swelling.

Femoral Head Fractures

The fracture which occurs in the posterior side of the femoral bone is a femoral head fracture. It is usually a lot less common to occur than femoral neck fractures, but it is just as painful and uncomfortable. Usually, it is found out through a powerful MRI scan. It takes weeks and maybe some months for the bone to fully heal. This fracture can also be accompanied with hip dislocation, if the damage done is too much. This is a very serious situation, not to mention painful as well. Pain in the lower abdomen and groin area is usually an indicator for femoral fractures.

There you have it! These different types of hip fractures are the most commonly occurring bone problems in a lot of people. Every hip fracture is different, so it’s best to consult a hip orthopedic specialist McLean for your hip problems.

Which Foods To Eat And Which To Avoid For Preventing Sinus Allergies

Your immune system needs to be strong to help you combat diseases and allergies. Here is a list of foods which you should eat and avoid, to prevent going to an allergy center for sinus allergies.

Foods To Eat To Prevent Sinus Allergies

Here is a list of foods that you should incorporate into your diet to help you treat and prevent sinus infections and allergies.


Turmeric is nature’s anti-inflammatory drug. This gold-colored spice is usually used in a lot of Asian dishes, to add a gold hue to foods as well as a pronounced yet subtle flavor. This spice is great to reduce redness and inflammation anywhere in or on the body. It has been used during ancient times as a natural skin care ingredient to reduce inflammation on the skin. It has great benefits for sinus infections too, as it reduces inflammation around the nose and throat.


Fish is packed with essential fatty acids and omega 3 acids which help your body to be replenished and nourished on the inside. Fish is a great food staple for someone who suffers from sinus infections and allergies, as the essential omega 3’s and good fatty acids help to keep your immune system strong.


Speaking of fatty acids which are great for your body, avocado is also a miracle food for people suffering from sinus allergies. It is great for the immune system and it helps to keep the levels of good fatty acids regulated in the body.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Vitamin C is not only good for your skin and your health when it is struck with flu, but it is great for opening up your sinus as well. Vitamin C is proven to help reduce inflammation and the boost of citrus energizes your body, so that you don’t feel lethargic or drained of energy. Some vitamin C rich foods include green and red bell peppers, oranges, grapefruit, etc.

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens like kale, spinach, broccoli, celery, etc. are great to keep your iron levels up as well as keeping your sinus allergies at bay. There is magnesium and other great minerals in leafy and collard greens which keep your immune system healthy.

Foods To Avoid

Now that we know what foods are good for treating sinus allergies, lets talk about the foods which you should avoid if you don’t want to get severe sinus allergies.


Monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is very bad for you, in general. MSG bloats the body from the inside and causes a lot of inflammation which can lead to blocked nose and severe sinus infections.

Processed Foods

Processed foods have a lot of sugar and preservatives in them, which keeps these foods fresher for longer. Which are bad for your body. They decrease the efficiency and strength of the immune system which can make you susceptible to allergies and infections.

Refined Carbohydrates

Refined carbs like pasta and baked goods also have a detrimental effect on your sinus and overall immunity. These foods should be avoided because the high content of refined goods and sugars in these types of carbs prove to be bad for your inflamed sinus.

High Sugar Foods

High sugar foods, as mentioned above, are very bad for your sinus. Sugar is the main culprit in increasing inflammation in the sinus and throat and this can be quite hard to deal with, so if you are someone who is suffering from severe allergic reactions due to your sinus, then processed and high sugar foods are not the best option for you.

Foods With Saturated Fat

Saturated fatty acids are not good for your body as they can’t be easily dissolved. Instead, they collect inside the body and can cause high fat accumulation. This might lead to severe inflammation and compromises the immune system, so these foods should be avoided.

There you have it! These different fruits, vegetables and other edibles are more like super foods for your body, which help to keep you strong and healthy as well as keeping your immune system safe and strong. If you are already suffering from a sinus allergy, follow the above tips but make sure that you go to an allergy doctor Germantown for treatment.

How to find relief from regular hip pain

Do you often suffer from hip pain? There could be many reasons for that. You may actually be suffering from arthritis or bursitis, or another condition. Your hip pain can be triggered from literally anything such as bending over, climbing straight, or just walking. In extreme cases, you may require hip joint injections to relieve the pain while the doctor figures out the root cause.

Tips to find relief from hip joint pain

However, this is not how it has to be. In most cases, hip pain occurs due to a bad lifestyle. You could actually get rid of it by making some lifestyle changes. In this article, we put together several tips that you can use to find relief from hip joint pain.

These include:

Start exercising

In order to get the muscles working, it is extremely important to start exercising every single day. However, you do not necessarily have to do a hardcore workout. Even simply exercises can help you in getting rid of hip joint pain.

Once of the most effective exercise used to get relief from hip joint pain includes the bridge. This exercise engages your core and back muscles. It also helps you in unlocking your back joint, hence providing relief from pain.

Cool the inflammation down

Sometimes, back pain is the result of inflammation. This pain will not settle until the inflammation reduces. Now, there are many ways to reduce this inflammation. Either, you can take anti-inflammatory medicine by the doctor’s prescription or you can apply an ice pack on the affected area.

Sometimes, when hip pain is due to arthritis or bursitis, an ice pack can be of great help as it will reduce your inflammation, hence giving you some relief from pain.

Avoid activities with high impact

In case you suffer from hip joint pain, it is important to avoid all types of activities with a high impact. This is because such activities can further worsen your condition. Hence, you should be avoiding them at all costs. These include jumping, running, and skipping a rope. These activities can further make the bursitis and arthritis worse. So, it is much better to avoid these exercises. Instead, walking is a much better option.

Strengthening the inner thighs

Muscle groups in the legs directly support the hip joints. Hence, it is extremely important to strengthen these muscle groups in order to reduce the stress on the hip joint. One exercise that experts recommend is to lie down ton the back and place a ball between the knees. Once place, squeeze this ball and repeat a couple of times.

Experts suggest that the ball should be the size of a kickball and should be elastic enough so that it can be squeezed. The best way to do this exercise is to start with 10 repetitions and to further build up.

Water workout

Water workout such as swimming is considered as one of the best choices for those who suffer from hip joints. This is because water exercise allows people to work out without putting too much stress on the muscles and hip joints. Hence, it is a safe way to workout for those suffering from hip joint pain due to any underlying condition.


By following the above-mentioned tips, you will easily be able to manage your hip joint pain. However, management certainly does not remove the root cause. For that, it is important for you to reach out to a hip orthopedic specialist McLean so that he/she can guide you better. Ultimately, only a medical professional will be able to help you in getting rid of the root cause.

How To Prepare For Your Hair Transplantation Procedure

Are you considering getting done a hair transplant surgery soon? Well, here are some things you should keep in mind and that you have to prepare for, before going through the process of hair transplantation regardless of the type of hair transplant surgery.

Do Your Research Regarding Your Doctor

Before going through the process of hair transplantation, make sure you have a good doctor in your hands. This is not last minute research, but you should start looking for hair transplant doctors as soon as you make up your mind that you will be going through the process of hair transplantation. Selecting a good doctor will make all of the difference between the success and failure of the hair transplantation procedure. Make sure the doctor is an experienced professional who has done multiple surgeries before. You don’t want to experiment with an amateur doctor otherwise you might regret the results.

Massage Your Scalp Regularly

About a month before the surgery, make sure you are massaging your scalp every single day with some oil or treatment. Massaging will help the hair to grow faster and stimulate the hair follicles. So, when you do get the process done afterwards, you will feel that your hair growth has accelerated. Massaging your scalp is good for you in general. You will feel less stressed, if you are feeling anxious for the surgery. The blood flow to your head does wonders for you and your scalp. It will make your existing hair stronger and healthier.

Stop Taking Any Sort Of Medication

Three weeks before the hair transplant surgery, you should stop taking any sort of medications which you are prescribed. If you are consuming any blood-thinning medications, multivitamins, antihistamines, allergy medications, etc. you should cease their consumption immediately until the surgery is completed. The reason why you should stop taking these medications is that it can lead to complications in the surgery. You might bleed too much if you are taking blood-thinning medicines. You might get an allergic reaction if you are consuming multivitamins. You might not react well to the anesthesia if you are taking any medicines which alter the effect. The hair transplantation procedure has to be done transparently and no funny reactions should occur in your body.

Wash Your Hair Properly Before The Surgery

Before the surgery, you should wash your hair properly and rub your scalp nicely. You should wash your hair properly in general, surgery or no surgery. Having a clean scalp and washed hair will be easy for the doctor to work with. A clean and properly washed scalp will have no residue or debris, which will make the hair transplantation surgery a lot easier and the new hair will stick to your scalp in a better way. So for a few days leading up to the surgery, make sure that you are putting an effort in really cleaning your hair.

Don’t Smoke A Day Before

A day before your surgery, you should omit smoking altogether. Smoking will have a number of adverse effects on your hair transplantation procedure. Smoking generally causes the constriction of blood vessels. Blood will not be able to reach your scalp and hair follicles if you keep smoking. This can make the procedure difficult and you might end up ruining your hair transplantation procedure. So, hold back on your smoking habit for a few weeks even after the surgery is completed.

Don’t Drive After The Surgery

This tip should be deemed as a very important thing to remember. After the hair transplantation procedure, you might be feeling sleepy and groggy. This is natural and the reason is because of the anesthesia. So, if you can, have someone with you who can drive you to and from the clinic. This will make things easier for you. If you attempt to drive by yourself after the surgery, things might turn worse. So, it’s better to be safe and have someone with you who can accompany you back to home, so that you can rest properly.

If you prepare the mentioned things in advance and choose a reliable hair restoration clinic , it will only make things easier for you, and the post-surgical procedure will be a breeze as well.

Common food allergies to watch out for

Many people are not aware of it, but food allergies are extremely common. Plus, the percentages of people suffering from food allergies keep increasing. While allergies can be caused by literally anything, there are certain common food allergies that people suffer from. In most cases, these can only be treated by an allergist specialist.

We have listed a few common food allergies in this article. However, before we get to that, let us take a look at what is a food allergy.

What is a food allergy?

An allergy is caused by a reaction to an allergen. An allergen is a substance that triggers an allergic reaction. In cases of food allergy, it is a type of allergy that is triggered by a type of food.

The reaction caused by any allergy gives certain symptoms such as swelling of the tongue, itchy rash, nausea, vomiting etc. However, these symptoms differ for each type of allergy.

Let’s look at the common types of food allergies to understand more about them.


Peanut allergy is one of the most common type of food allergy. We do not exactly know why people end up developing an allergic reaction to peanuts. However, it is believed that peanut allergies could be running in a family. This means that if you have a family history of peanut allergies, you might be at a risk of developing it too.

There are no treatments for peanut allergies yet, but new researches are being done. For now, it is best that people with peanut allergies stay away from peanuts all together. However, to prevent peanut allergies in young kids, a few studies have shown that introducing them to peanuts at an early age is helpful. This is however still being researched upon.

Cow’s milk

Another one of the most common food allergies is an allergy to cow’s milk. This is especially common in young kids, specifically when they are introduced to the milk before 6 months of age. However, it is also said that many kids outgrow this allergy which is why it is common amongst kids but not that common amongst adults.

Common symptoms of this allergy include rashes, swelling, vomiting, diarrhea etc. In a swear case of this allergy, you could also experience anaphylaxis. This type of allergy also does not have any treatments so far. People suffering from it needs to avoid cow’s milk at all costs. This includes every item that is made up of cow’s milk such as cheese, butter, yogurt, cream, ice cream etc.


A third most common type of food allergy is due to eggs. Just like with cow’s milk, a lot of kids who are allergic to kids are said to outgrow it as they grow older. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to eggs include rashes, stomachache and in extreme cases, anaphylaxis.

However, many people are only allergic to egg whites and not the yolks. Similarly, people many be allergic to egg yolks but not to egg whites. This is because both the egg whites and egg yolk have different proteins. Just like all the other allergies, there is no permanent treatment for it yet. People suffering from this allergy will need to avoid eating eggs or any food containing eggs. Many people can tolerate cooked eggs in cakes but not egg on its own. For this, you would need to consult your doctor to be guided properly regarding your allergy.


Cow’s milk, peanuts and eggs are some of the most common food allergens. In order to avoid any allergic reaction to that, you need to cut them out of your diet or else they can be really dangerous. We suggest you find allergy doctor Germantown as soon as you experience any symptoms.